Please Note: This website is out of date. The Steward Community Woodland sustainable living project ended in 2018 for legal and planning permission reasons. The contents have been left here as a historical archive.


Photos Main | Infrastructure | Structures | The Growing Area | Woodland | Appropriate Technology | Community | Building Owen and Chris' dwelling structure | Growing in the Settlement Area | Plant and seedling pictures | Animal and plant life in the wood | Forest gardens | Local interest | Courses

Raised bed with brassicas: purple sprouting broccoli, sutherland kale and ninestar broccoli

Raised bed with brassicas: purple sprouting broccoli, sutherland kale and ninestar broccoli

Date: 18th May 2010
These plants are now about a year old, they have just kept going and have been very productive. As an experiment they have been 'coppiced' since the photo to see if they will resprout for another crop
Raised bed just planted up...

Raised bed just planted up...

Date: 27th April 2010
...looking bare in late April but I timed this bed well, transplanting lettuce and planting salad seeds just before a week of rain and sun. Salad needs moisture or it becomes bitter and chewy; annual salads (i.e. lettuce, rocket and spinach) run to seed
Raised bed in its first spring - mainly perennial leaf crops

Raised bed in its first spring - mainly perennial leaf crops

Date: 26th April 2010
Maintenance of raised beds includes mulching and weeding, but not digging or disturbing the soil structure. Mulching is vital for moisture retention and addition of nutrients
Planting out

Planting out

Date: 25th April 2010

Selfseeded violets in a raised bed

Selfseeded violets in a raised bed

Date: 25th April 2010
A small perennial plant, violets have edible leaves and flowers, and can be grown in quantity for early spring salad. Their small seeds are usually dispersed by wood ants
Raised beds at Son and John's, April 2009

Raised beds at Son and John's, April 2009

Date: 27th April 2009
Terraced raised beds with broadbeans, comfrey, perennial rocket and strawberries. In the background is a newly planted fruit tree in a protective tube.
Raised beds at Son and John's, April 2009

Raised beds at Son and John's, April 2009

Date: 27th April 2009
A long terraced bed combines peas and salad

Last updated: 2011-04-10

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